Objects of Substance
The Insights Editions
Looking in and looking out
In 2010 there was a discussion at the executive level of a concept floated by Communications and Community Relations about lead articles for the weekly newsletter to be written by senior staff. Deputies, Deans, and Directors were asked to write thoughtful, significant pieces of relevance to the School community. There were no specific instructions about content, but this innovation was considered a ‘big deal’ and every author took the task very seriously.
Initially, it was thought the articles would only find their place in the digital BGGS News, but their calibre demanded a more permanent and physical manifestation and a wider audience. Then Director of Communications and Community Relations, Ms Loren Bridge, explained: ‘The articles were such high quality and thoughtfully written they deserved a longer life and wider audience to showcase their brilliance.’
2018 Dr Bruce Addison’s article.
2010: The inaugural edition featured images of School life.
The House-coloured, embossed covers—'a nod to the history of the School.'
2018 Lara Triscott’s (2020) Junior Merle Weaver winning speech was published in the Important Perspectives section.