School Governance

Brisbane Girls Grammar School is one of eight Grammar schools in Queensland established under the Grammar Schools Act 1860 during the first session of the new colony’s first parliament and now operating under the Grammar Schools Act 2016.

The Board of Trustees of Brisbane Girls Grammar School is the School’s governing body. It is accountable to the School’s community of stakeholders for the good governance of the School. The School is a statutory body formed under the Grammar Schools Act 1975 and the Board has direct accountability to the Minister for Education in Queensland.

On 1 January 2017 the Grammar Schools Act 2016 came into effect and replaced the Grammar Schools Act 1975 with modern legislation that aims to meet the contemporary needs of the School. The establishment and regulation of the School, including the constitution of the Board of Trustees and the functions of the Board, are now provided for in the Grammar Schools Act 2016.

Under the Act, the Board comprises at least seven but no more than nine Trustees, appointed every four years by the Governor in Council, including: three Trustees elected from and by the Roll of Electors; four Ministerial nominees, and up to two additional Trustees chosen by the Board and nominated by the Minister.

The Board elects its Chair and Deputy Chair from among its own number and they serve in those offices while they continue on the Board for the four-year term. A Board Secretary, employed by the School, provides support to the Board in carrying out its governance functions.

Trustees hold office for four years and at the end of that time are eligible for re-election or re-appointment.

The Board of Trustees can be contacted via email.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of Brisbane Girls Grammar School. The Board currently comprises nine Trustees, each of whom brings extensive experience, knowledge and skills to their role of guiding the School to provide the educational foundation for young women to contribute confidently to their world.


Ms Julie McKay

Chair of the Board of Trustees; Chair of the Development and Philanthropy Committee

Ms Kerryn Newton

Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees

Ms Sophie Moore

Trustee; Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

Mr Berkeley Cox


Professor Maher Gandhi


Mr Andrew King


Ms Diana Lohrisch


Professor James Nicklin


Professor Deborah Terry AC


The Board believes that it best serves the School’s present and future life by operating as a true ‘governing’ board (as distinct from a ‘management’ board or committee). This means that the day-to-day operations of the School are delegated to the Principal and, through her, to key members of staff. The Board, under its agreed charter, supports the Principal, and monitors her leadership of the School.

The Board discharges its role primarily through the conduct of its regular meetings at least ten times per year, and through the regular meetings of the Board’s Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, with additional meetings of the Board for specific purposes, such as strategy development, as necessary.

Some of the key matters addressed in the Board’s charter are:

  • the Board’s commitment to governing with a clear focus on the School’s principal priority, namely providing an excellent, balanced, liberal education to students which equips them to face, and to contribute positively to, the world in which they live
  • the Board’s commitment to a governance philosophy which encourages open and robust discussion of issues within the boardroom for the good of the School
  • an awareness of responsibility for the transparent and appropriate management of trustee conflicts of interest
  • the Board’s key functions, which include accountability to the School’s broad community of stakeholders, setting the strategic direction, ensuring appropriate risk and compliance controls are in place, and monitoring the financial management and the performance of the School generally, fundamentally through its strong relationship with the Principal.

Gifts over $2 are tax deductible. Under the Grammar Schools Act 2016, gifts of $500 and above (excluding donations made via ASF) entitle the donor to one vote in the subsequent Board of Trustees electoral cycle. Gifts of $2000 and above (excluding donations made via ASF) entitle the donor to a vote in all electoral cycles.

The School maintains a comprehensive Roll of Electors based on eligibility criteria determined in accordance with the School’s By-laws, and current and past provisions of the Grammar Schools Regulation 2016. Eligible electors will be offered the opportunity to vote in the Board of Trustees elections.

Donations to the School’s Deductible Gift Recipient funds (Library Fund, Building Fund, or Education Fund Bursaries and Scholarships) are gifts to the School for the purposes of eligibility criteria. Donations to the School through the Australian Sports Foundation are not considered gifts to the School for the purposes of eligibility criteria.

For further information regarding elections, or to obtain a copy of the Electoral By-laws that set out detailed eligibility criteria, please contact Secretary to the Board of Trustees via email or phone 07 3332 1309.

Key publications

Read key publications relating to the School’s governance, such as the Strategic Design (2023-2025) and Annual Reports, via the School’s Publications Page.