Co-curricular Drama and Dance update … from the young artists

Senior Drama Production

The 2022 Drama season is in full swing, creating its beauty in the blue through preparation for Arts Fest. The Senior Drama Production has kickstarted with rehearsals for the gripping play, Abigail’s Coven, by Peter Cox and Fred Goldsworthy. Based on The Crucible, the story follows the rumours and lies of Salem circa 1690 and explores the darkness that looms over a group of young girls. Students have started memorising, blocking, and chanting in preparation for when the Gehrmann Theatre doors open on 12 May. Although the year has had a few bumps in the cobblestones, the cast has tackled the challenges and continued to prosper in rehearsals.

Tickets will be out on Minerva soon. Don’t forget to bring your friends, family and maybe your broomsticks along. We hope to see you there!

Lucy Fraser (12O)
Drama Captain

Meet Abigail

Grammar Dance

Grammar Dance occurs bi-weekly, every Monday and Wednesday morning from 7 am to 8 am in A301. Choose a session that best suits your schedule or come to both.

Grammar Dance is a fun way to start the day and meet new people. Ms Gemma Sherington is a very supportive and enthusiastic tutor. I like learning a new combination each week. One week we do jazz and the next we do lyrical or contemporary—it’s a good mix of both so you can practice both styles.

Adelaide Window (8W)


The Drama Studio

The Drama Studio begins next Thursday 17 March, from 3.30 pm to 5 pm in A301 with guest artists, The Good Room. We look forward to welcoming you to the weekly, semester-based Drama club.

Drama Studio is one of the only places I feel like I can be myself. It offers a lot of activities to not only bond as a group but to those who would like to use this time to help with their careers. We are very grateful to have guest artists teach us about the things that they have learned in their field of expertise. A lot of acting knowledge will be taken from these lessons and put into action in the future.

Many friendships have been formed creating many memories that will never be forgotten. It is my favourite time of the week, and I have never missed a lesson.

Drama Studio is my favourite place and I thank the School for allowing this to be a part of our school lives.

Darci McMillan (10M)