
In 2019, we look forward to delighting the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Community with three diverse productions as part of the Co-curricular Drama Program. Weekly workshops in The Drama Studio and Grammar Dance will provide students with a creative outlet while further reinforcing the necessary skills for those girls studying Drama as an elective subject. Several guest artists have been engaged as workshop facilitators, choreographers and directors to provide rich and memorable learning experiences.

Senior Drama Production
Medea, originally written by Euripides
Thursday 16 May to Saturday 18 May 2019

Year 7 and 8 Drama Production
Charlie Pilgrim (or a beginner’s guide to time travel), by Sam O’Sullivan
Friday 16 August to Saturday 17 August 2019

Year 9 and 10 Drama Production
Girl Asleep, by Matthew Whittet
Thursday 31 October to Saturday 2 November 2019


Brad Jennings
Head of Co-curricular Drama