At the end of Term 1, 27 Grammar girls participated in their Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award Practice Journey at Marrapatta. The weekend consisted of learning key skills required for our Practice Journey before embarking on a five-hour hike to the Bella Junction Campsite. Once making it to the campsite, we were very eager to swim in the creek. After our swim, we prepared dinner in cooking circles, discussed Saturday’s discoveries, and admired the clear night sky. Soon after dinner, everyone was in their tents, settling down for the night. Sunday brought a new adventure—we woke with the sun, enjoyed breakfast, and packed up camp. Instead of hiking back the same way we came, we split into groups and navigated our way back. We arrived safely back at Marrapatta, unpacked and cleaned our camping gear, had lunch, and met as a group one last time before the weekend concluded.
Eloise Christie (9H), Caitlin Holmes (9O) and Sophie List (9E)