The BGGS Study Buddies program involves Year 11 students volunteering to become study buddies with interested younger students in Years 7 and 8. Senior students assist their buddy in developing desirable study habits such as organisation, time management, prioritising, and spelling and reading strategies.
Year 11 students will be provided with training in these areas to assist their buddies and spend at least 30 minutes with their buddy each week at a time negotiated between themselves. Girls are encouraged to use the Elizabeth Jameson Research Learning Centre to study and should sign-in at the front desk for these sessions.
The Study Buddies program has been hugely successful in the past and many students have benefitted from the wisdom of older students’ experiences at the School. I encourage all students to join and share their knowledge and skills.
Girls wanting to participate in the program should contact Study Buddies Coordinators, Mrs Paula Quinn, or Mrs Kate Kildey, prior to Week 3. Alternatively, girls can access the Study Buddies page on Minerva by clicking on Co-curriculum -> Service -> Study Buddies, to discover further information about the program.
Mrs Paula Quinn and Mrs Kate Kildey
Study Buddies Coordinators