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Semester 1 2021

Brisbane Girls Grammar School staff, students and families began 2021 with a sense of gratitude and a pervasive feeling of optimism. While there is much to be concerned about on the national and global stage, I hope we never lose sight of what a good nation we are a part of and the freedoms we enjoy.

At Girls Grammar, our staff and students are always actively engaged in discussing topical issues in our society, most effectively explored through their academic studies. Expert and caring teachers ensure students gain a substantial body of knowledge in their subject areas, are equipped with the skills to think critically about information presented to them and, with an open mind, will explore contentious issues. Our students are educated to understand that conviction, however deeply held, should never make us deaf to reason or the views of others. We encourage them to assert their opinions respectfully, always mindful of the right of others to express theirs.

If a Girls Grammar education prepares our students to embrace the future with confidence, imagination and the wisdom to face challenges and disappointments with grace and dignity, our nation, and society more broadly, will be strengthened by their confident and open-minded approach to life.

I hope you happily immerse yourself in the stories contained in this newsletter and we look forward to perhaps seeing you and your daughter at Open Day. 

Ms Jacinda Euler
