This Term, we have seen the always busy calendar of our School be populated with special events from Open Day to the Year 12 Formal, while others have been cancelled or postponed–Mothers Spring Lunch and Gala, for example. We have been fortunate that many sporting fixtures were able to take place, including Head of the River and yesterday’s QGSSSA Athletics, allowing the girls to compete in events they had trained so hard for.
Throughout it all–the uncertainty, the sometimes unpredictable disruption of this year–teaching and learning has continued and the schedule of assessment has unfolded. NAPLAN results have been sent to students and their families and will arrive next week, and Year 12 students have completed all of their assessment and must now prepare, fully, for their external exams.
Our Girls Grammar community has managed the ongoing COVID situation intelligently and calmly. Staff have remained extraordinarily professional, students have worn their masks faithfully and maintained their good spirits, and we have been grateful for the support of our families. We will continue to negotiate this evolving situation carefully and patiently and provide some current information for our families about vaccinations here.
Next Term we will lay the foundations for some significant discussions about the future, rearticulating our educational philosophy as we create a new Strategic Design that will pave the way towards the 150th anniversary of BGGS in 2025, and beyond. A master planning project will provide an opportunity to analyse the immediate and long-term needs of the School and identify exciting future projects.
The experience of quarantine, shared by our entire Grammar community, immediate and beyond, was negotiated with a great sense of goodwill and willingness to do the right thing but it did take its toll on many and all will be looking forward to the holidays.
I hope that they bring us beautiful weather, happy times with family and friends and some restorative, meaningful and energising experiences. Or, of course, we might just spend them lying flat on a lounge on the verandah reading a good book!
Ms Jacinda Euler