This week

We know that more than 130 of our students and their families (and approximately 30 of our staff and theirs) have been intimately affected by floodwaters or power outages and that our families are concerned about and supporting many, many others. It has been distressing to see the situation continue to unfold and I know as a community we feel shock, sadness, and no doubt fatigue.

Yesterday, I thanked staff for their flexibility and professional, capable response to these endlessly evolving circumstances and said that the title of a book series by Lemony Snicket, that many of your children will have read, keeps springing to my mindA Series of Unfortunate Events. And while events of the last week could not have been predicted, our School community has adapted with resilience and positivity, and we are so grateful for that.

There have been many accounts of thoughtful and determined action. For example, one of our younger students who, having experienced the effects of flooding herself previously, saw immediately the importance of stepping up for an uninsured man who had lost everything, with a series of cupcake stalls to raise money. The amount that was raised could not possibly have matched the enormity of the gesture and what it represented.

People have donated uniforms, shovelled mud, moved personal belongings and are gathering supplies. In the weeks ahead that generosity will continue to be needed by many in our community. If there is anything the School can do to support your family—or you know of someone else—please let us know.

The uncertainty and constant change we have experienced in 2022 so far is tiring, but I hope above all else that our families are as safe and secure as they can be and that the examples of courage, compassion, and kindness sustain you—that you are experiencing some of the best in people, all around you.

Ms Jacinda Euler