Illumine – From the Students

This iteration launched in 2021, when we handed over the mic to the students of Girls Grammar to share their insights and views about topics most relevant to today’s adolescents . A chance for our students to speak directly to their classmates and the wider community, a variety of topical discussions have already been had, including our students’ experience of remote learning, and a candid discussion about social media and the role that these platforms play in their daily lives .

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Illumine from the Students: Latin and Roman World Study Tour

Earlier this year, a group of students and staff visited Italy, exploring places of significance in Western culture, from ancient societies through to the Renaissance … and of course, some of the nation’s gelaterias.

In this episode, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, sat down with students Charlotte, Ruby, and Grace to hear about the highlights, experiences, and learnings from the Latin and Roman World Study Tour.

The Financial Literacy Club

Australia’s National Financial Capability Survey 2021 found that 94 per cent of young Australians aged 14 to 17 feel it is important to learn how to manage their money, but only 42 per cent felt confident to do so.

A few of our students here at Brisbane Girls Grammar School are taking their financial wellbeing seriously, through the establishment of a new Financial Literacy student club.

In this episode, hear from founders Lily Blanshard (12O) and Maddie Shaw (12E) as they discuss their goals and inspiration behind the club with Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh.

Studying Creative Arts in Years 11 and 12

Choosing subjects for Years 11 and 12 can be a challenge for many students, as they balance subjects they are passionate about with the need to fill prerequisites for certain tertiary degrees. Although at BGGS we value the Creative Arts as part of our broad, liberal approach to education, sometimes external pressures, misconceptions, and worries about scaling can lead students to hesitate before committing to studying Art, Music or Drama in the senior years.

In this episode of Illumine: from the students, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh speaks to Music student, Jacqueline Trappett (12O), Drama student, Chloe Martin (12W), and Visual Art student, Melissa Bucknill (12W), about why they adore their studies in the Creative Arts, and what benefits it brings them.

Space Camp

Have you ever wanted to be an astronaut?

One of the School’s most popular and longest-running international programs is Space Camp, where students get the chance to take one step closer to that dream—or one of the many other exciting careers that are open to them in the space industry.

During the July school holidays, 45 students attended the two-week international trip, which included the highlight week-long residential camp at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. During this week, students were introduced to the fundamentals of space travel, air force training, and mission coordination, and learned about the history of space exploration while using industry-standard simulators and training equipment.

In this episode, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, speaks with three students who recently returned from Space Camp—Naomi Dooley (12E), Sophie List (11E), and Emma Spork (12W)—about what they encountered, learned, and hope to achieve in aerospace and aeronautics.

Educate and Empower—shining a light on what’s not discussed in class

In the critical developmental years of secondary school, students need safe spaces to explore and debate the important issues affecting their lives, identity, and understanding of the world. In this episode, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, sat down with three senior students—Sophie Coleman (12M), Sophie Lillyman (12B) and Yasmin Salih (11G)—who have all participated in one such forum at Brisbane Girls Grammar School: the Educate and Empower group.

Listen to the students’ conversation about the group’s coverage of topics such as religion, identity, and how the School can encourage diverse student voices.

Celebrating our bodies

Year after year, research shows that young Australians rate body image as an important concern. So, how do our students feel about their bodies, and what are they doing to promote body acceptance?

In this episode of Illumine from the Students, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, speaks to two Year 12 students, Emma Readdy (12L) and Liza Shoebridge (12B), who have presented to the School’s Educate and Empower student club on the topic of body image.

Social media and Gen Alpha

Do you remember the world without screens?

Our younger secondary school students are part of ‘Generation Alpha’—completely digital natives who have been around smartphones and devices for their entire lives. Emerging research indicates that these young students use devices and interact with social media in vastly different ways to their older peers.

In this episode, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, speaks to three Year 8 students, Sophia, Isobel and Zoe, about parental limits, screens and their routines, and how these devices and social platforms make them feel.

My future in an AI world

The world is abuzz about ChatGPT and the potential of artificial intelligence. But what do our young people think of the tools that are predicted to run their future?

In this episode of Illumine From the Students,  Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, speaks with three Year 11 students about their experiences, their concerns, and their hopes for AI platforms.

Finding your place at BGGS

The first day of secondary school—full of nervousness and excitement, and perhaps also some terror about the unfamiliar.

In this episode of Illumine from the Students, Principal, Ms Euler Welsh, is joined by our Year 7 Advisor, Mrs Sally Callie, and four Year 8 students, Isabelle, Eva, Maddie and Olivia, to discuss how they navigated through their first year of secondary school, and their advice for our new Year 7 students who are just starting out.

What I wish I had known ... Reflections from Year 12s

Do you remember your first day of secondary school? Your nervousness and excitement? Fast forward six-years—you are now in Year 12, your secondary school days almost behind you, about to embark on your final exams with your future stretching out ahead of you. What would you like to say to your younger self to reassure her, it is all going to be OK?

In this episode of Illumine: From the Students, Ms Jacinda Euler is joined by four current Year 12 students, Maya, Anna, Nicole and Brittany to discuss how they are feeling as they enter this final phase of their schooling, and their advice for our younger students who are just starting out.

Outdoor Education at BGGS

It is largely undisputed that spending time outdoors and in nature is physically and mentally beneficial. School camps are often designed to take these outdoor experiences one step further by inviting students to truly step outside their comfort zone, embrace the environment and explore parts of themselves that are not as easily accessible in our everyday lives.

But getting out of our comfort zone and embracing the unfamiliar can also bring some anxiety and apprehension—for both students and their parents

In this episode of Illumine from the Students, Ms Jacinda Euler discusses the School’s Outdoor Education program with Year 9 students, Neve, Eva and Emily, and Director of Outdoor Education (Marrapatta Campus), Ms Kim Wood.

Service at BGGS

Why is it that many of the greatest visionaries and influential leaders remind us that success is not measured in monetary terms, but rather should be based on the contribution you make to society? That in putting the needs of others before your own, you will find a deeper, personal fulfilment than any pay cheque or Board position can give you?

Welcome to another episode of Illumine from the Students. Host, Ms Jacinda Euler, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, is joined by the 2022 Service Captains, Simran and Isabel, to discuss their important role at the School and how Service has played a significant part in their Girls Grammar journey.

World Environment Day

There is no escaping the increasing concern about the impacts of climate change on our planet and of course on our lives, and the many lives around us. Are we doing enough to address its impacts? Or do we feel paralysed by a sense of hopelessness and overwhelm at the sheer magnitude of the problem?

In this episode of Illumine from the Students, host Ms Jacinda Euler, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, discusses World Environment Day and climate change more generally with Science Teacher, Mrs Chris Woodford and three students from the School’s conservation group, Anna (Year 8), Evie (Year 10) and Madison (Year 12).

Sports at BGGS

It’s undisputed that sports and physical activity are essential to our health and wellbeing, and research also tells us that the personal benefits go beyond the physical—helping us to sleep better, focus, and develop important skills such as teamwork and collaboration.

In this fourth episode of Illumine—From the Students, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Jacinda Euler, is joined by students and accomplished athletes, Emily and Zoe to discuss how they balance their sporting commitments with their studies, and hear first-hand the personal benefits of participating in sport at BGGS.

Returning Remotely

In this third episode of Illumine—From the Students, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Jacinda Euler, is joined by 2022 Head Girls, Isabel Stephens (12M) and Gigi Souyave-Murphy (12W), to discuss remote learning. The 2022 academic year will begin remotely for the first time. In this discussion, our Head Girls share the joys and challenges of remote learning, and offer advice for Year 7 students starting secondary school for the first time.

Social Media

In this second episode of Illumine—From the Students, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Jacinda Euler, sits down with Year 11 students, Juliette, Maya and Bronte, to discuss the wild and wonderful world of social media. In this candid conversation they discuss which social media platforms they are using the most, how they are using the different channels, and comment on strategies they use to regulate their device usage. The episode also explores what it’s like for Maya, who does not have a mobile phone or use social media, and how this affects her communication with friends.

Study Tips and Tricks

In this first episode of Illumine—From the Students, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Jacinda Euler, sits down with Year 11 students, Elise, Leia and Gigi, to find out how they prepare for exams, manage stress, and approach their studies with confidence.