BGGS has a new careers portal designed to provide up-to-date information and resources for students to make well-informed decisions regarding their tertiary pathways. The portal will be used to support the Year 10 Tertiary Pathways Program, and is also useful for all students looking for information about occupations, university programs, scholarships and Open Days. It also provides information on preparing job applications, resumes and personal statements.
In addition to supporting our students’ career development, the website contains resources for parents, including the Helping your Teenager with Career Planning handbook, an events calendar, newsletters and an array of research tools to ensure that students and parents are informed about what is happening in the tertiary pathways landscape.
The portal is available for parents to access via Parent Portal and via Minerva for students. For further information, please contact me via or to make an appointment, email
Ms Louise Walls
Director of Tertiary Pathways