BGGS Interhouse Cross Country Carnival

The rescheduled 2022 Interhouse Cross Country will be held on Friday 17 June, the last day of Term 2.

The Interhouse Cross Country is a whole-school event, and students are expected to attend as they would any other school day. The Carnival is a valuable experience for all students, whether they run, jog, or walk. It presents an opportunity for girls to participate for their House and involve themselves with their peers.

Due to damage sustained during the repeated flooding we have experienced at Rangakarra this year, the event will be held on the old golf course in Victoria Park, Spring Hill.

Parents and supporters are welcome to attend. The course is 3 km and will be competed in age groups, starting at 9.50 am. Staff are very much looking forward to the morning tea provided by the Mothers Group.

Age-champion medallions and the Interhouse Cross Country Trophy will be awarded to the winning House. The presentations will occur at the End-of-Term Assembly, commencing at approximately 2 pm.

Students will arrive at School at the normal time, attend House Group rooms to have their name marked off, and then walk to the course under teacher supervision. Races will conclude by Period 4, and the girls will walk back to the Spring Hill campus for the End-of-Term Assembly in Period 5.

Students are to arrive at School in their sports uniform (shorts or skirt must be worn), black school shoes and formal school hat, and change into House shirts and running shoes in their House Group rooms. Any personal items not required at the event should be left in the House Group room, which will be locked after the girls depart. Girls will walk to the course with their House and House Group teachers. Students must change back into their sports uniform and black school shoes for Assembly when they return to School.

Students should take a full water bottle, sports cap or visor, sunscreen, a picnic blanket, and morning tea and lunch to the Carnival in their canvas bag. There is no water available in the park. If it has been raining, students should also bring a spare pair of shoes and socks to change into after their race, as the course may be damp. Students will be able to enjoy a sausage sizzle, courtesy of the Fathers Group, on their return to campus.

If your daughter is unable to walk to Victoria Park and requires bus transport, please send an email to her House Group Teacher by Tuesday 14 June so that this may be arranged. Students who are catching the bus will receive information about where to meet the day before the Carnival.

There will be no co-curricular activities scheduled at lunch or after school on this day. Your daughter should check the daily notices regarding her co-curricular commitments before school.

More specific information about the event’s schedule and logistics will be distributed to the students through Minerva.

Ms Sophie Mynott
Deputy Principal (Co-curriculum)