BGGS Parent Survey Results

Thank you to parents who completed the Week 8 BGGS Parent Survey. The results of this survey, and previous surveys delivered in Weeks 1 and 4, have helped the School understand and respond to the needs of families.

In Week 8, 399 parents responded to the survey, and an overview is provided below.

Year 7 to 10 Return to School

  • On average, Year 7 to 10 parents felt the return to school had been managed well (average score of 90/100)
  • The majority of parents said they ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ with the following statements:
    • I am pleased that my daughter has returned to learning on-campus (94.14 per cent)
    • I feel the teachers have supported girls’ transition back to learning on campus well (91.79 per cent)
    • The return to learning on campus has delivered a more conducive learning environment (91.8 per cent)
    • The return to learning on campus has been beneficial for my daughter(s)’ wellbeing (88.68 per cent)
    • The return to learning on campus has benefited my daughter(s) socially (95.31 per cent).

Positives of Home Learning

  • Parents indicated they would like to see the following aspects of home learning continue:
    • Parent information sessions delivered via webinar
    • Parent-Teacher Interviews held via remote technology
    • More time together as a family.

Learning On-Campus

  • Many parents commented on the social benefits of returning to campus, as well as the opportunity to interact with teachers.
  • Some parents noted concerns about: the impact of multiple changes on their daughter’s education (14.88 per cent); congestion around school drop-off and pick-up (24.24 per cent); and the risk of their daughter contracting COVID-19 (18.46 per cent).


  • The majority of parents said that communication about the return to school, and communication from individual School areas was ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ (93.37 and 86.95 per cent, respectively).

Health and Wellbeing

  • Most parents ‘agree’ that their daughters, the larger BGGS student body, and staff are able to implement health, hygiene, and social distancing protocols.