The last two weeks of on-campus classroom learning has progressed smoothly. The strategies devised to manage these uncertain times have worked well across the various Year levels. Academic staff continue to work hard to ensure that a range of learning activities are available for absent students. These include:
- Detailed course notes, resources and planning that can be accessed on our Minerva platform. This includes OneNote resources, STILE resources and detailed subject resources specifically designed for our courses
- Assignment feedback in accordance with our drafting policy
- Zoom lessons when staff are working remotely
- Email or phone conversations where appropriate.
A number of strategies are in place should there be significant future contagion and disruption. Fortunately, these trigger points remain academic. Classroom teachers are cognizant of the needs of their classes and are working diligently to provide best-practice teaching and learning opportunities. Our approach is based on what has been learned from our experience gained during earlier stages of the pandemic as well as what best suits our learning culture. At all times decisions are made in the best interests of the age-appropriate needs of our students.
When absent students return to school, academic staff will be available, as is our usual custom, to help address any questions that may arise. When devising our various strategies our intention has been to minimise disruption as much as possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via email if you have any questions.
Dr Bruce Addison
Deputy Principal (Academic)