Event news and 2023 date claimers

Next week in Events

Carols Under the Stars—registration open

Monday 28 November, 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm, Pool Lawn, Brisbane Girls Grammar School

Register to attend: https://minerva.bggs.qld.edu.au/calendar/event/23495


2023 date claimers

Below is a summary of signature events and Support Group meetings for 2023. A more extensive, Community Calendar will be released in early 2023—a platform to highlight a full list of social, educational, Support Group and volunteering opportunities for parents to engage and connect with the wider School community. For any event enquiries, please contact events@bggs.qld.edu.au.

Please note the below events and dates are subject to change.

Signature Events

Term 1

1 February—New Parents Welcome Reception

3 March—International Women’s Day Concert

24 March—Mothers Autumn Luncheon

Term 2

29 April—Year 12 Formal

27 May—Cathedral Concert

15 June—Father and Daughter Dinner*

Term 3

22 July—Year 11 Charity Social

28 July—Open Day

18 August—Gala Concert

10 September—Year 12 Family Picnic

14 September—Mother and Daughter Dinner*

Term 4

15 October—Marrapatta Open Day

8 November—Volunteers Thank You Reception

15 November—Valedictory Dinner

16 November— Annual Speech Day and Distribution of Prizes


* Please note the Mother and Daughter Dinner and Father and Daughter Dinner dates have swapped for 2023.


Support Group Meetings and Retreats

Term 1

31 January—Water Polo Support Group Meeting

17 February—Mothers Group Meeting

20 February—P&F Association Meeting

27 February—Music Support Group Meeting

28 February—Water Polo Support Group Meeting

2 March—Rowing Support Group Meeting

13 March—Mothers Group Meeting

15 March—Fathers Group Meeting

20 March—P&F Committee Meeting

28 March—Water Polo Support Group Meeting

Term 2

20 April—Music Support Group Meeting

22-23 April—Fathers Group Marrapatta Retreat

28 April—Mothers Group Meeting

2 May—Rowing Support Group Meeting

8 May—P&F Association Meeting

17 May—Music Support Group Meeting

25 May—Rowing Support Group Meeting

29 May—Mothers Group Meeting

5 June—P&F Association Meeting

7 June—Fathers Group Dinner Meeting

Please note: Water Polo Support Group Meeting dates still to be diarised

Term 3

13 July—Rowing Support Group Meeting

19 July—Music Support Group Meeting

21 July—Mothers Group Meeting

24 July—P&F Association Meeting

2 August—Fathers Group Dinner Meeting

10 August—Rowing Support Group Meeting

14 August—Mothers Group Meeting

28 August—Music Support Group Meeting

11 September—P&F Association Meeting

Please note: Water Polo Support Group Meeting dates still to be diarised

Term 4

4 October—Music Support Group Meeting

9 October—P&F Association Meeting

14-15 October— Fathers Group Marrapatta Retreat

24 October—Rowing Support Group AGM

1 November—Fathers Group AGM

2 November—Music Support Group AGM

13 November—P&F Association AGM

21 November—Mothers Group AGM

Please note: Water Polo Support Group Meeting dates still to be diarised


Year Level Functions

29 April—Year 12 Parent Function

13 May—Year 8 Parent Function

20 May—Year 9 Parent Function

15 July—Year 7 Parent Function

22 July—Year 11 Parent Function

19 August—Year 10 Parent Function

16 November—Year 12 Parents Farewell Function