Health Centre Update

We have received a reported case of Head Lice within the School community. Parents are requested to check and monitor their daughter’s hair and scalp for signs of an itchy scalp caused by the presence of Head Lice.

Head Lice are most commonly passed person to person and sometimes from items that have been in contact with hair.

For this reason, we would ask you to discourage the sharing of hats, brushes, hair accessories. Early detection and treatment are important and students may attend school, if effective treatment is commenced before the next attendance day.

Head Lice, as with any living creature have a life cycle. Treatment and monitoring will need to be observed for a minimum of 4 weeks from the first treatment day, to ensure the lifecycle of the louse is interrupted and recurrence does not occur.

Please refer to the Queensland Health Information Sheet for further information. For any further advice, please contact the BGGS Health Centre staff via or 3332 1337.