Over the past week, BGGS held several celebrations marking the New Year in our Chinese classes. Year 7s made Lunar New Year crafts, Year 11s and 12s held a party to celebrate the joyous New Year, and a prize raffle containing many Chinese treats and red packets were handed out to all students.
My favourite celebration at our School was the Lion dance, performed by our very own students. The Lion dance dates back to the Tang Dynasty, which ruled China from 618-906 AD, and is an important ritual to welcome the new year as it is believed to drive away evil spirits and attract good luck.
So in a country like Australia, which welcomes diverse and multicultural celebrations such as the Lunar New Year, what does the New Year mean to me? For myself and many other students at our School who celebrate the Lunar New Year, it is a day when we feel connected to our culture, ancestors, community and ethnicity. It is a day where I look forward to listening to stories passed down from generation to generation. Lunar New Year is a time when we can observe the beauty and excitement that surrounds this celebration. Furthermore, it is a time when we learn about traditions from other cultures and gain a deeper understanding of our multicultural society.
Stephanie Tsai (Year 12)