While in remote learning, we are adjusting to many changes to our everyday life. Research informs us that time in nature is important for our mental and physical wellbeing. Time spent in natural environments can help with:
- reducing stress
- improving concentration
- improving productivity
- physical fitness
- keeping eye muscles adaptable.
In the same way that physical exercise is important for our everyday routines, time outside in nature is equally important.
There is no easy answer to how much outside time each of us should spend in nature. A study undertaken by the Exeter Medical School suggests that two hours per week makes a difference to health and wellbeing.
What constitutes ‘nature’ is quite varied, but in our current situation, this could include the plants on your balcony, the view from your verandah, your backyard or a nearby park.
Marrapatta has set up a Green Space on Minerva to share some fun ways to get outside and connect with nature while remote learning:
- Go to the Minerva Green Space page
- Select a tile and explore the fun nature activities
- Upload pictures from your activities to the discussion board, found on the Green Space main page.
We are excited to see what you discover!
Happy Exploring
Marrapatta Team