Resiliency Survey 2022

This year, the School has again chosen to partner with Resilient Youth Australia which has surveyed more than 350 000 Australian school students aged eight to 18 over recent years. Developed in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, Social Work, and Social Policy at the University of South Australia, the Resilient Youth Survey captures how connected, respected, and protected students feel.

The annual survey collects the self-reported resilience and wellbeing of students and will provide valuable information to assist us to create and maintain the best culture of wellbeing and resilience that we can. The survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. Survey data will be reported in aggregate descriptive form only by cohort level, and no individual student responses can be identified.

The Resilient Youth Survey will be administered online during House Group with Years 7 to 12 students on Monday 25 July. Students typically take 20-25 minutes to complete the survey.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s participation in this survey project, please contact Dr Jody Forbes at or 3332 1300.

Dr Jody Forbes
Associate Dean (Wellbeing)