Sigma Maths

Sigma Maths offers students the opportunity to participate in a variety of mathematical experiences outside the Mathematics classroom. The girls enjoy the challenge of competitions and workshops and welcome the opportunity to share their love of mathematics with like-minded students.

Participating in Sigma Maths activities, particularly the external competitions such as the QAMT Problem Solving Competition, The Australian Mathematics Competition, and the Maths for Young Australians program, can lead to additional mathematical opportunities. The Australian Mathematics Trust runs a number of invitational programs for students based on their performance in these competitions.

This year, Emily Kua (9G), Grace Gong (9O), and Emma Wong (10W) were invited to participate in the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee (QLD) Maths Sequences program and Anna Hodge (8L) joined the Number Theory program.

Kathryn Petersen (10O) has been heavily involved in Australian Mathematical Olympiad programs this year and has written an article about her experience below.

We would like to congratulate the girls on their achievements and wish them all the best as they continue to explore the world of Mathematics.

Mrs Lee Mazzaglia
Mathematics Teacher


Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee Selection School

During the last week of Term 1, I attended the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee Selection School, along with 80 other like-minded students from across Australia. The AMOC Selection School is a national training camp held each year, with participants selected on the basis of their performance in the invitation-only Australian Mathematical Olympiad exam held over two days in February, and other competitions over the previous year. The aim of the camp is to choose the team to represent Australia in the International Mathematics Olympiad in July, and to train the participants for future competitions.

Throughout the week, we learned about some interesting mathematical concepts, including invariants, functions, and graph theory. We also completed two challenging two-hour practice exams covering topics that we had discussed in the previous days. These lectures and problem sessions were exciting opportunities for me to challenge myself with new and interesting ideas and types of problems. Despite the camp being held over Zoom due to COVID-19 restrictions, it was still a wonderful opportunity to talk to and learn from other high-achieving Maths students from around the country.

Participation in the BGGS Sigma Maths program over the past three years has enabled me to compete in a variety of Maths competitions, leading to my selection two years ago into the Queensland training program, and now into the National program. I would not have reached my current level without the opportunities that the Sigma Maths program has provided, and I would like to thank Mrs Mazzaglia and the School for their ongoing support.

Kathryn Petersen (10O)