Things You Need to Know: Returning to School

Return to School Monday 16 August

Negative Day 12 results

Students need to have returned a negative exit test to return to the School campus. Queensland Health will manage all test result notifications to the School, and parents are not required to submit these.

Please note that all families who have been in quarantine must stay in quarantine until 11.59 pm on Friday 13 August, even if they receive a negative Day 12 test result prior to this time.

As per written advice from Queensland Health, secondary household contacts do not need to complete Day 12 Testing (though Queensland Health recommend this).

Mask wearing

All students aged 12 and over will need to wear a face mask while at school. Masks may only be removed when eating or drinking. All staff will also be required to wear masks.

In the event of students misplacing their masks, replacement masks will be available around the school, from Student Reception, Academic Administration, the Floreamus Centre, McCrae Grassie Centre, and Level 1 of the Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre.

While Queensland Health recommends the wearing of single-use surgical masks, students can wear paper or fabric masks to school.

This factsheet provides information for students on how to wear a face mask safely:

Visitors to the School site

Current restrictions mean that parents, carers and visitors are not allowed on the School’s site. These restrictions are necessary so our students can return to their classrooms in the safest way possible.

Students remaining in quarantine

The School will support students who cannot attend school due to COVID-19 restrictions, to ensure continuity of learning. If your family will remain in home quarantine into next week, please contact your daughter’s Head of House.

Student Health

If students are showing any signs of illness or are feeling unwell, they must remain at home and not attend school. Any students who become unwell throughout the day will be asked to report to the Floreamus Centre to be attended to by the School Nurses.

Additional Cleaning

Additional cleaning will be implemented across the School, and this cleaning will prioritise frequently used areas with extra attention on high-touch point surfaces.

Adjustments to School Operations

There will be some changes to the way the School can operate in the immediate future.

Whole school assemblies and other large group gatherings, including interschool sport, excursions and incursions are not permitted.

Instrumental music, choirs, performances, sporting activities, and HPE classes can be undertaken as part of the curriculum, where students are not mixing with students from other year levels, and where body contact does not occur. Masks will need to be worn at all times. Specific information about particular activities will be communicated to students.

Directional traffic flow measures will be in place in high traffic flow areas.

COVID-19 updates and exposure sites

For the latest information on COVID-19 restrictions, contact tracing alerts—sites of exposure and testing centres, please visit the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 website.