Things You Need to Know This Week

Account Statements on Parent Lounge
From Thursday 1 April 2021, parents will be able to access their tuition fee statements through the Parent Lounge. To access the statements, please login to Parent Lounge and go to Accounts and Payments—School Fees Account. The statements will show as an attachment under Statements—Current Year.

The Finance Department will continue to send tuition fee statements via email, however, they will also be made available on the Parent Lounge and will be accessible until the end-of-the-calendar year in which they relate to.

Please contact or phone 07 3332 1440 if you have any queries.

Weekend Roadworks on Gregory Terrace
Planned works on Gregory Terrace near College Road, Spring Hill, are scheduled from Saturday 27 March to Sunday 28 March. There will be road closures and delays along Gregory Terrace. Traffic management will direct vehicles around the works.