Year 10 Ethics Assembly

Today, Friday 23 July, author and inspirational speaker, Matthew Ames, spoke to Year 10 students during their Ethics assembly.

Matthew was 39 when he contracted streptococcal and developed toxic shock. His wife, Diane, was asked if she wanted to give her husband a one per cent chance of survival by removing all four limbs. His family gave their consent, and Matthew survived.

Prior to becoming a quadruple amputee, Matthew was an executive in the energy and resources sector. Today, he serves on a number of Boards, including Hear and Say and Bionics Queensland, and much of his time is spent sharing his story in the hope that it inspires positive attitudes towards overcoming adversity.

Matthew spoke to Girls Grammar students about the many ways his life has changed, the power of an optimistic mindset and the importance of personal resilience and resourcefulness.