Year 10 Modern History—UN Summit

During the last week of Term 3, Year 10 Modern History students participated in the United Nations COVID-19 Summit.

The Summit’s goal was for participating countries to collaborate to propose a resolution to the complex issue of the global pandemic. Before the Summit, we learnt about the history of the United Nations and the six major organs of the organisation.

To prepare, we were then assigned roles across the 12 countries involved in the Summit: country representatives, research assistants, and country profile publishers. Throughout the meeting, all students were able to engage in an informative, thought-provoking, and sometimes witty discussion about each country’s approach to the pandemic, resulting in a final resolution proposed by the United Kingdom and the United States. A highlight for many students was dressing up to represent their country.

Sophie Lillyman (10B)

USA Delegates: Sophie Lillyman (10B) and Marley Seipel-Hong (10L)