Year 7 and 8 Drama Production

Year 7 and 8 Grammar girls are preparing a drama production that tells a tale you would not wish on your worst enemy—a tale of zombies, portals, magic mirrors, wolves, and evil cats!

Will apocalypse hero, Alex, and her buddies save the world?

Join them for Fight With All Your Might The Zombies of Tonight, playing at the Gerhmann Theatre on 20 and 21 August 2021 from 6.30 pm to find out!

Tickets are available here.

Please note: all BGGS events adhere to current COVIDSafe event requirements.


A lighter moment in drama rehearsals

Rehearsals: Grin and Tonic Theatre Troupe presents Kellie Lazarus, one of the incredible guest directors for the 2021 Year 7 and 8 Production

Rehearsals: Grace Jackson (7M) as Alex, ready to save the world from the zombie apocalypse