Year 7 Parent Information Evening recording

The Year 7 Parent Information Evening took place on Monday. The evening was designed for parents to ask questions and gain a greater understanding about what to expect during their daughter’s first year at BGGS.

Year 7 Advisor, Mrs Sally Callie, welcomed parents and introduced the start of the School year, followed by Deputy Principal, Mrs Anne Ingram, who explained the approach to learning in Year 7, and curriculum structures beyond the first year of secondary school. Dean of Students, Ms Melinda Egan, addressed ways in which parents can support their daughters during their first year at the School. Dean of Operations, Ms Tennille Cummings, directed parents to the communication platforms available for parents to use, including MinervaParent Lounge, and the School App. Lastly, Deputy Principal (Co-curriculum), Ms Sophie Mynott, spoke of the diverse range of co-curricular activities available to Year 7 students and the School’s Outdoor Education Program, delivered at the Marrapatta Memorial Outdoor Education Centre.

For those unable to attend The Year 7 Parent Information Evening, a Zoom recording can be found via this link.

At the conclusion of the evening, there was an opportunity to ask questions. Frequently asked questions included:

Can I drop off or collect my daughter in her sports uniform or should she be in her formal uniform?

Students can only arrive at School or at a sports training venue in their sports uniform before 7 am, or if being collected after 5 pm using private transport. At all other times she must arrive and depart School and sports training venues in her formal School uniform. We also ask when she is using public transport that she always travels in her formal School uniform, no matter the time of day.

How much home learning is expected each night?

A maximum of 60 mins of home learning is anticipated per night. Your daughter will participate in five subjects per day, and it is assumed each subject teacher will provide approximately 12 minutes of home learning.

What is the expectation of the School diary?

It is expected students record their home learning in their diaries and they are encouraged to also record co-curricular commitments and any other reminders. Diaries will be checked once per week by House Group teachers, and we ask for parental support from home in encouraging use of the diary.

Where can my daughter store her sports/music bag during the School day?

Any heavy sports bags can be stored in the Sports Centre kitchen (see Mr Mulligan in the Sports Centre). Musical instruments can be stored in the Music Department (see Ms Harper in the Music Department).

If my daughter joins the Instrumental Music Program, does she need to buy an instrument?

There are hire instruments available for students who are interested in trying an instrument.

If my daughter must keep her phone in her locker, how do I contact her in an emergency?

Please contact Student Reception who will relay the message to your daughter. If your daughter also needs to contact home, she can use the phone in Student Reception; however, we strongly encourage our Years 7 students to develop resourcefulness and gain independence by seeing her Head of House first to find a solution before contacting home.

What if my daughter forgets a part of her uniform or another item?

Sometimes your daughter may forget to bring something to School and contact you directly. There is no need for you to drop off items at the School, instead please direct them to ask for help. The occasional forgetting of items is part of learning and builds independence and organisation. There are resources such as hot-swap laptops, lunch slips, some spare uniforms, and they can get their diary signed by their Head of House to excuse them when they forget an item. We understand, particularly in Year 7, that they will forget a few things here and there.

I hope that your family has had a great start to Term 1. If you have any questions about your daughter’s start at the School, please contact her Head of House. Best wishes for a productive 2023.

Mrs Sally Callie
Year 7 Advisor