Year 7 welcome pack–2022

Last week, all Year 7 girls excitedly received a welcome pack called ‘Thrive on Five’ to reinforce and promote the benefits of the five dimensions of health, which are linked in various units throughout the Junior HPE program at Girls Grammar.

The five dimensions were represented by the following items:

Physical and Social: handball (doing something physical by playing handball and reinforcing the social dimension by asking someone to play a game)

Emotional: eye mask (sleep is so very important in maintaining a balance to emotional health)

Cognitive: notebook and pencil (to write down important notes)

Spiritual: seedling from Paten Park Native Nursery (who supply BGGS seedlings for Grammar Goes Green days—the girls can nurture, then plant their seedling and watch it grow, during their Girls Grammar journey)

Physical: apple (sourced from Jensens Fruit).

Mrs Raechelle Finch
Health and Physical Education Faculty