Science Learning Centre Student Access Group

During the June/July School holidays, construction commenced on the site of the new Science Learning Centre (SLC). When the SLC project was initiated, the School decided that students should be involved in the construction process as a key priority. In Term 3, 28 students from Years 7 to 12 were selected to follow the building’s progress, gaining a unique insight into design and construction processes.

In Week 6 of Term 3, students met for their first site tour and information session, where they heard from two BGGS alumnae who are involved in the SLC project. Architect, Eliza Panizza (2011), shared drawings of the building and spoke to students about key considerations that impacted its design. Students learned how the building will integrate with other campus levels, and explored concepts of the life-cycle of a star, a scientific process which informed the styling and colouring for different spaces in the building.

SLC Project Manager for Lendlease, Ms Cherise Czislowski (De Vere, 2002), explained to the girls the engineering features of the building’s cased concrete piling structures, which were in the process of being bored and filled. Ms Czislowski then led the girls through a site visit, where they met the site Quantity Surveyor, Ms Olivia Di Pasquale, and site Foreman, Ms Kirstie Goodwin, and were able to watch the pile driver in action.

Name the Crane

During the September School holidays, a crane will be installed on the site as construction commences on the building slab. In the last week of this term, the SLC Student Access Group will lead a competition to Name the Crane. The crane will be present on the site until March next year, and the competition will give students the chance to welcome it to Girls Grammar as it joins the Girls Grammar skyline for its extended stay. The winner will be announced on the first Assembly of Term 4.

Mr Shane Skillen
Manager eLearning