The Year 12 Experience

‘2020 me and you, be the glue that binds the blue’ is the Student Council motto for this year. In January when this motto was created, the girls had no idea what would unfold in the months to come, and for Year 12 in particular, their final year has been different to what they imagined.

However, as the School has come back together for these final weeks of Term 2, so has the sense of unity and School spirit, and the Year 12 girls have embraced their leadership role within the School with a sense of purpose and pride. The recent Blue Day, organised by Student Council, was celebrated by a collaborative Years 7 to 12 picnic on the pool lawn, along with the usual dress-ups and badge-selling. And the initiatives of the Minvera-based Passion Series and Wacky Wednesday surprise challenges also continue to be well-received and support the 2020 themes of spirt, love and teamwork.

Connection and belonging are key factors in positive educational outcomes, and the Year 12 experience is very much dependent on the cohesiveness of the cohort. The Year 12 Ethics Assemblies provide opportunity for student voice to be articulated, and part of that is the Passion Series. This week, Saee Sane (12O) performed a classical northern Indian style dance, kathak, which received a standing ovation from the Year 12 audience. It is bonding and memorable moments like these that will be remembered by the girls, long post-graduation.

The Formal Committee also met this week to proceed with further planning for the Senior Formal, scheduled for Friday 4 September 2020. While we will be guided by government recommendations for large gatherings and it is too early to predict what restrictions may be in place by September, we understand the value and the importance of this event, and are continuing to plan as scheduled.

Likewise, once the external exams are completed, the girls will be wanting to celebrate their efforts and achievements before the last day of School and the House Farewells on Friday 20 November. The girls can be reassured that we will endeavour to plan accordingly so that they can collectively finish their Year 12 experience in the best way possible.

Mrs Emma Lowry
Dean of Students