Parents of Year 8 Drama students are invited to attend their daughter’s Year 8 classroom Drama performance on Thursday 7 November.
Throughout the semester, students have been working with industry artists to explore skills of puppetry and mask to enhance their theatrical storytelling. We invite you to immerse yourselves in your daughter’s class production of Stories in the Dark.
Stories in the Dark is an evocative and challenging Australian play written by Debra Oswald. The play shifts between the real world, in a war torn city, and multiple fantasy worlds and memories of their childhood storybooks. The characters Anna and Thomas use the stories to remind themselves of a time when life was normal and to help them understand the situation in which they find themselves, alone, homeless and desperate.
Please join the Drama Department on Level 3 of the Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre (CLC) for refreshments before viewing a class performance of Stories in the Dark in the drama spaces.
Performance times
8.2, 8.4 and 8.5 Drama 5.30 pm for a 6 pm show
8.1 and 8.3 Drama 6.30 pm for a 7 pm show
Mrs Katrina Riveros
Head of Drama and Acting Head of Co-curriculum Drama