In Week 4, Year 8.2 participated in our five-day camp at Marrapatta with Mrs Finch.
We went canoeing at Bella Junction, planted trees and went on a lovely bush walk to explore the local flora and fauna, including gigantic fig trees and freshwater mussels. Mrs Lansdown taught us how to light fires with a flint and steel—it was much harder than using matchsticks! The creek showed off delightful scenery, especially when it was trickling downstream.
Hiking back from Bella Junction was another big event. It was tiring and challenging, but at the end, everyone felt very accomplished.
On the last day, we completed the high ropes course. The activity involved small groups climbing up a pole to a platform and then falling back together once everyone had reached the top. The whole class effectively communicated and worked together—it was a great trust-building exercise.
Overall, camp was a wonderful time with many opportunities to create existing, and develop new friendships. Thank you to all staff who assisted us throughout the week.
Flora Cardell-Ree (8O) and Ajin Kyoung (8H)