Recent Grammar graduates, Grace Choo (2018) and Laura Macbeth (2018), visited the School on Monday 3 August to discuss potential career pathways in STEM. They reflected on the great preparation they received at BGGS for life after school, but also endeavoured to clear up any misconceptions that some students may have in regards to studying in the technologies domain.
Both Laura and Grace are in their second year of studying Technology and Creative Industries at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The senior Digital Solutions students were interested to learn about the potential IT studies pathways and the role of women in the field.
The presenters highlighted the vast and diverse opportunities students can take to explore individual interests. Our students were able to draw the connection between the current Digital Solutions syllabus and some of the content and project work undertaken in the Computer Science and Information Systems units at QUT.
Laura and Grace also emphasised the need to initiate change and revival in this discipline. They were of the view that it is paramount for women to have a strong and enduring voice in the future of technology innovation, and this will only be realised if competent women take the step onto this evolving field.
Mrs Maggie Golawska-Loye
Senior Curriculum Development—Technologies