Second Chance Report

Second Chance is a Year 11 and 12 School Service group dedicated to spreading awareness of the realities of homelessness within our community and raising funds for locally run programs that actively help women experiencing homelessness in Brisbane.

The group has been busy this term and are proud to announce two successful fundraising events: The Valentine’s Day bake stall which raised $969.40 and the International Women’s Day concert sausage sizzle, raising $451.45. This is a great start to the year, and we hope for similar success in the terms to follow.

We would also like to say a big ‘thank you’ to the families who helped out this term with coordinating fundraisers, and wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all your hard work. We encourage students and families to look out for more ways to get involved next term, starting with the toiletry drive to support Homelessness Connect.

Pippa Sutherland (12R) and Abigail King (12R)

Second Chance Communication Leaders