During the School holidays, 20 BGGS girls competed in the Queensland State Rowing Championships at Wyaralong Dam. The girls attained strong and well-deserved results, winning the Under 21 pair, Under 19 pair, Under 19 coxless four and Under 19 eight. Our girls also secured podium results in the Under 21 eight, Under 19 coxless four, Under 19 pair, Under 19 eight and Under 16 quad scull. The girls competed with true BGGS spirit against some of the finest rowers across the state. In addition to our current students, BGGS was well represented by Grammar women and current coaches.
Ellyn Hill (12H), and Rowing Captain, Nancy Duncan-Banks (12E), have been selected into the Queensland State Rowing Team. These girls continue a very proud tradition of BGGS athletes representing Queensland in rowing and will join past students Madeleine Williams (2016), Ashleigh Hockings (2017), and Chelsea Ashby (2020) in this year’s Queensland Team. Congratulations to Tylah Hutton (12B) and Sophie Lucas (12O) on their selection into the Queensland Rowing Pathways Squad.
A special mention must be given to all BGGS competitors and coaches from the weekend on their enthusiastic efforts and brilliant performances. A complete list of results is available on Rowing Queensland’s website.
Mr Darcy Wruck
Rowing Coordinator and Head Coach