On Saturday 22 June, the 2019 Rhythmic Gymnastics team attended this year’s holiday training. The high attendance rate and impressive routines displayed at the training are testament to the commitment and dedication of our strong BGGS squad this year. Thank you to all girls who attended the training for giving up their first day of holidays, and also for enthusiastically wearing crazy socks for the day.
At holiday training, gymnasts in Years 7 to Year 12 trained together for the first time. This enabled our team to bond on a new level and for the newer gymnasts to witness what they can achieve as a part of the BGGS team in future years. During training, each team practised their apparatus skills and polished their routines in preparation for the QGSSSA competition on Friday 9 August 2019. At the end of the day, we held a mock performance, allowing younger members of our team to gain an insight into the QGSSSA competition. The coaches and coordinators were very proud of the immense improvement shown from the beginning to the end of the day.
While Holiday Training was challenging and required continued focus, there were copious amounts of brownies, mentos and games to ensure the day was enjoyable and memorable for all girls.
Thank you to the team’s coaches for your guidance and expertise, and thank you to all gymnasts for your ongoing commitment to the 2019 season. We look forward to supporting you at the QGSSSA competition. Please remember to continue to check Parent Portal and the Daily Notices for updates about our Open Day Performance and the QGSSSA competition.
Ashleigh Brant (11G) and Dayle McDonald (11H)
Rhythmic Gymnastics Captains