P&F Executive Committee Recruitment

The Brisbane Girls Grammar School Parents and Friends (P&F) Association is managed by an Executive Committee, comprising four elected office-bearers of the Association, a number of elected members and other ex officio members, including the Principal.

The P&F Association is currently seeking Expressions of Interest for the 2020 executive roles of Secretary and Treasurer.

P&F Committee Meetings are a friendly and welcoming forum, held twice per term throughout the year to discuss upcoming priorities.

The roles of Secretary and Treasurer encompass the following responsibilities:


– Distribute agenda and reports for each meeting to Committee Members (two meetings per term)

– Attend and take minutes at all meetings

– Lodge annual returns and audited accounts with the Queensland Government after the AGM

– Work with the President, Treasurer and other Committee Members on issues that arise from time to time

– Attend the School’s annual Board Strategy Day

– Meet with the School Archivist at the end of each year and deliver the P&F Committee records for archiving


– Provide financial oversight of the P&F Committee and in particular the operation of the P&F Uniform Shop

– Work with the P&F Uniform Shop Manager and Accountant to set the annual budget and ensure good governance is followed

– Work with the President, Treasurer and other Committee Members on issues that arise from time to time

– Monitor the financial performance of the P&F Uniform Shop against budget

– Liaise with the external auditors and present the annual financial statements

– Be the conduit between the P&F Uniform Shop and the School

If you are interested in either role, please contact P&F Secretary, Ms Sophie Ward.