Girls Grammar families are reminded to please adhere to the traffic rules and signs outside the School to ensure the safety of our students and assist in the smooth flow of traffic along Gregory Terrace. Please be respectful of the Traffic Controllers when using the set-down/pick-up zone when dropping off or picking up your daughter/s.
Set-down/pick-up zone
The set-down/pick-up zone at the front of the School is under the jurisdiction of Brisbane City Council, not the School, and our Traffic Controllers are there to assist with moving traffic through the zone. The pick-up opening time is 3.20 pm.
Parents who arrive to collect their daughters prior to 3.20 pm will be directed to follow a detour, detailed on the School’s traffic flyer.
Time limits
Please note the time limits on the traffic signs as there is a three-minute zone (in front of the Main Building) and a five-minute zone (in front of the Science Block). Brisbane City Council parking inspectors regularly monitor this area and may issue parking infringement notices to parents who exceed this time limit.
No right turn
When exiting the set-down/pick-up zone you must turn left onto Gregory Terrace. There is a ‘No Right Turn’ sign located at this exit. Several accidents and near-misses have occurred in the past, due to drivers ignoring this sign and turning right across oncoming traffic onto Gregory Terrace.
Peak drop-off and pick-up times
The peak time for using the set-down/pick-up zone is in the morning between 8 am and 8.20 am and in the afternoon between 3.20 pm and 3.30 pm. We encourage families to speak to their daughters about the option of using public transport, carpooling or varying their drop-off and pick-up times outside of peak times to improve traffic flow along Gregory Terrace.
Kalinga Avenue
Kalinga Avenue and the Facilities/P&F Uniform Shop car parks are not to be used by parents for the set-down or pick-up of students. The laneway and carparks are only to be used for staff access and deliveries to the School.
Girls Grammar families are reminded to please adhere to the traffic rules and signs outside the School to ensure the safety of our students and assist in the smooth flow of traffic along Gregory Terrace. Please be respectful of the Traffic Controllers when using the set-down/pick-up zone when dropping off or picking up your daughter/s.