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From the President of the OGA

The BGGS Old Girls Association (OGA) is the connection between present Grammar girls and future Grammar Women. Our motto, ‘Connections for Life’, reinforces this. Throughout its 123 years, the Association has looked to the future, ensuring that every new cohort of students feel part of its history and are supported to stay connected to the School and its students long after their graduation.

I was delighted to be present at the Leadership Assembly on Wednesday to witness the induction of the 2022 Year 12 Leaders. The OGA honoured the two Head Girls, Gigi Souyave Murphy (12W) and Isabel Stephens (12M), with handmade opal pendants that have become an iconic symbol of BGGS. The pendant was first commissioned in 2019 to recognise the 120th anniversary of the Association. It is a stunning handmade sterling silver pendant crafted by renowned jeweller, Bruce Tully, featuring a ‘Grammar blue’ opal insert. The opal itself is sourced from Quilpie. Aboriginal women of the area have traditionally seen opal as a source of empowerment and often carry a small sample with them. This seemed particularly fitting for Grammar girls and Women to have as a reminder of their time at BGGS. The distinctive engravings around the opal mirror the design on the OGA-donated gates at Rangakarra and OGA-donated panels at Marrapatta. The pendant is available for sale, along with other beautiful jewellery items, from the P&F Uniform Shop. These items are particularly popular for special graduation gifts.

The OGA is proud to recognise and connect with incoming Year 7 students who start as Grammar girls by gifting them with a special present at their uniform fittings. Outgoing Year 12 students who graduate as Grammar Women are gifted the BGGS OGA badge. In this way, the OGA seeks to connect with students not only during their time as students, but also to show them they are part of a very special sisterhood after graduation as well.

The OGA Committee wishes Gigi and Isabel, along with other School Leaders and the Year 12 cohort as a whole, a wonderful year full of memorable moments where the sisterhood is celebrated in true BGGS fashion.

Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981)
President, BGGS OGA

Old Girls Association President Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981)