Return-to-School Plan

Earlier this week, the Premier announced Queensland’s ‘Back to School’ plan which outlines some changes and restrictions for the next four weeks (until Friday 4 March). Please find below an outline of the School’s measures and plan for the return to classroom teaching on Monday 7 February 2022.

Large gatherings

The Queensland Government’s ‘Back to School’ plan requires the suspension of school camps, excursions, and large gatherings for the next four weeks. This means we will need to make some changes to our planned activities, and we will not be able to welcome visitors on site during this time. We look forward to welcoming parents back on campus as soon as is possible.

Mask expectations

The Queensland Government advice in relation to masks is as follows:

‘All high school students, including those who are under 12 years of age, need to wear a mask unless they are seated indoors or outdoors or are able to maintain a 1.5 metre distance from others.’

We ask all students to ensure they are wearing a mask as per the above guidelines. Please ensure that your daughter has an adequate supply of masks for use at school.

Classroom ventilation

The School is working to ensure that classrooms are well-ventilated. Each room is currently being reviewed and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The ventilation approach will include opening windows, use of fans (ceiling or stand), and air conditioning as well as air purifiers and carbon dioxide monitors.

Students who have COVID-19 symptoms

Any student who has any COVID-19 symptoms should not attend the School and should seek a Rapid Antigen Test or PCR test. They should wait until they are symptom-free before they return to school.

The School Health Centre is able to look after students who develop symptoms throughout the school day. These students will be isolated and sent home as soon as possible.

To assist parents to navigate COVID-19 requirements, please refer to this table which sets out different scenarios and provides advice as to the action required.  A COVID FAQ is also available on our website.

Guidelines as to any quarantine arrangements that may be required as a result of a student testing positive while at School are awaited and we will provide further information once this is clarified.

Students in isolation

Students who are required to isolate can access all lesson outlines and daily class resources via their class pages on Minerva, if they are well enough to do so. If your daughter is required to isolate and is unable to attend school, please advise your daughter’s Head of House.

Rapid Antigen Tests

The School has a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests to provide to students who become ill with COVID symptoms during the school day.


The School will continue to undertake point cleaning throughout the day, focusing on door handles, light switches desks and keyboards.

We appreciate that the start to the School year is a little disrupted and thank you for your patience. We will communicate if/as the situation changes.

We are looking forward to welcoming your daughter back to School on Monday and I hope your daughter is looking forward to returning.

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any further queries.

Mrs Anne Ingram

Deputy Principal