Traffic Update

Thank you to parents for your support of the changes to traffic access to the BGGS campus, which the School has implemented this term.


To support longer-term improvements to traffic flow, including potential infrastructure changes, the School invites parents to complete a short Parent Survey. The answers from this anonymous survey will inform future improvements to traffic flow and access, and the survey also provides parents the opportunity to share feedback on how they currently access the BGGS campus.

Parents should have received an email on Monday 5 August with information about how to access the survey.

Students will also complete an online Travel Diary, which asks students to answer a series of questions about their travel to and from School each day (excluding the RNA Show holiday). Time will be set aside in House Group lessons for students to answer these questions in relation to the previous day.

Traffic Safety Reminders

Parents are reminded of the following when accessing the drop-off/pick-up zone:

  • The drop-off/pick-up zone is strictly limited to three minutes, and traffic controllers will ask vehicles to leave the zone if they exceed this time period.
  • Vehicles will not be able to queue on Gregory Terrace. If the drop-off/pick-up zone is full, vehicles will be instructed to follow a detour. Please follow the correct detour to prevent a back-up of traffic on Gregory Terrace.
  • Vehicles are not to double-park on Gregory Terrace or across driveways in the Spring Hill area.

For further information about the School’s approach to traffic management, please visit Parent Portal.