Student Achievements in Science Competitions 2023

Throughout 2023, BGGS students were involved in a variety of regional, state, national and international science competitions. We congratulate the students named below for their outstanding achievements.


Australian Science Olympiads

The Australian Science Olympiads are a national enrichment program for secondary science students, facilitated by Australian Science Innovations, which provide rewarding opportunities for students to extend themselves well beyond school science through challenging exams, stimulating extensions and enrichment programs and international competitions.

In 2023, BGGS students participated in the exams for the Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Earth and Environmental Science Olympiads (up to Year 11) and the Junior Science Olympiad (up to Year 10). Notable achievements are below.

Physics Olympiad Exam

High Distinction: Kathryn Petersen (11O), Emma Wong (11W)

Distinction:  Kaiyu Su (11R)

Chemistry Olympiad Exam

High Distinction: Kathryn Petersen (11O), Emma Wong (11W)

Distinction:  Emily Jiang (10B), Anna Mikli (11H)

Biology Olympiad Exam

High Distinction: Ellen Baek (11E), Kathryn Petersen (11O), Vani Ranjan (11G)

Distinction:  Iha Agrawal (11R), Scarlett Bennett (11L), Adeline Tan (11O)

Earth and Environmental Science Olympiad Exam

High Distinction: Kathryn Petersen (11O), Emma Wong (11W)

Distinction: Camille Bloomfield (11G), Sophie Fisher (11E), Emily Jiang (10B), Anna Mikli (11H), Macy Spencer (11M), Kaiyu Su (11R)

Junior Science Olympiad Exam (JSO)

High Distinction: Grace Gong (10O), Emily Jiang (10B), Leni Kruger (10E), Stephanie Ku (10B), Sunnie Lin (10M), Evie Sayer (10L), Stella Simmons (10L), Mia Xiao (10H), Alisa Wang (9R)

Distinction: Abigail Buck (10H), Lucia Butler (10O), Chelsea Chern (10O), Lucy Dobinson (9H), Sofia Geritz (9E), Cate Hughes (10W), Sophie Hunt (10O), Minuli Ilangamage (8H), Samaira Khera (10E), Ajin Kyoung (10H), Lauren Liang (10L), Neve McNab (10B), Zarli Min (10H), Qiwen Mo (8O), Aika Nishiyama (10G), Elise Selwa (10G), Madeleine Skarott (10L), Eowyn Wong (10G), Clara Yang (9B), Sabrina Yong Gee (10H)

Australian Science Olympiad Summer School

Each year, Australian Science Innovations invites 24 of the top performing students in each Australian Science Olympiad Exam (Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, and Physics) to the Australian National University for two weeks of accelerated hands-on learning at the Australian Science Olympiad Summer Schools.

Special congratulations to Kathryn Petersen (11O) and Emma Wong (11W) for their outstanding performances across the Olympiad exams. Kathryn was invited to both the Biology and the Earth and Environmental Science Summer Schools (she has chosen to attend Biology). Emma was invited to both the Physics and the Earth and Environmental Science Summer Schools (she has chosen to attend Physics).

Junior Science Olympiad Academy

The Junior Science Olympiad Academy is a national invitation-only online program for 50 high-performing students under 16. Students invited to the Academy obtained a high score in the Junior Science Olympiad (JSO) exam and are still young enough to be eligible to re-sit the Junior Science Olympiad exam in the following year.

Based on their performance in the JSO exam in 2022, Grace Gong (10O) and Emily Jiang (10B) were invited to participate in the 2023 Academy, and both performed to a very high standard.


International Young Physicists’ Tournament

The International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT) is a scientific competition between teams of secondary school students. It mimics, as close as possible, real-world scientific research and the process of presenting and defending the results obtained. Participants work on open-ended inquiry problems and present and discuss their findings with their peers in a tournament, judged by expert panels of jurors.

The IYPT Australia Challenge is held each year as a selection tournament for IYPT. The BGGS team consisting of Ellen Baek (11E), Sophie List (11E), Carmen O’Connell (12E), Susie Shen (12O) and Emma Wong (11W) were awarded as IYPT Australia Challenge Champions.

From this event, Ellen Baek (11E), Carmen O’Connell (12E), and Emma Wong (11W) were selected as part of the five-student Australian Team. With Carmen O’Connell as captain, the team competed in the Online Young Physicists’ Tournament, involving 18 nations, in July. For this outstanding achievement, Carmen, Emma and Ellen were awarded Blues.


Junior Young Physicists’ Tournament

The Junior Young Physicists’ Tournament (JYPT) is of a similar nature to the IYPT but designed for students up to Year 10. Teams from across Australia and New Zealand participated in JYPT 2023, hosted by Queen Margaret College in Wellington, NZ.

The BGGS Team of Sunnie Lin (10M, team captain), Soumya Brahmbhatt (8M), Lauren Liang (10L), Lucy Petersen (8B) and Elise Selwa (10G) was successful in achieving third place (Bronze Award).


Queensland Science Contest

Run by the Science Teachers Association of Queensland (STAQ), the Queensland Science Contest is an opportunity for Queensland students from Prep to Year 12 to have their scientific work judged.

Soumya Brahmbhatt (8M) achieved first place in Division 5 (Years 7 and 8) of the Scientific Investigation section, for her report on the relationship between the size of carbonated water bubbles relative to depth. This award is accompanied by a prize of $150.


RACI Regional and National Titration Competitions

The RACI Titration Competition is designed to encourage secondary students who enjoy Chemistry, particularly its practical side, to develop their scientific skills and understanding.

The RACI Regional Titration Competition’s notable results are below.

High Distinction: Ellen Baek (11E), Vani Ranjan (11G)

Distinction: Mia Cheng (11B), Jessica Dinh (12E), Angela Hu (11B), Eva Nykiel (11R)

Mia Cheng (11B), Charlotte Clayton (11B) and Eva Nykiel (11R) were recognised as a Highly Commended team at the Regional Competition and were invited to compete at the RACI National Titration Competition.

At the National Competition, the team’s result was within the ‘Excellent’ band and they achieved 17th place overall.  Additionally, all three students were awarded an individual Gold Award.


Ms Carmen Keating

Physics and Science Teacher