Music Student Achievements
Congratulations to Ashleigh Blundell (12L) (viola) and Remi Hirayama (11L) (harp) who have been offered places in the Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra for 2021.
The Queensland Youth Symphony is widely recognised as a world-class youth orchestra and is the leading ensemble of Queensland Youth Orchestras. The orchestra performs an annual concert series with a focus on works from the late 19th and 20th centuries, and by contemporary Australian composers. Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra has toured and performed extensively throughout Australia and internationally. Past members are active in Australia and abroad as soloists, teachers, chamber musicians and members of major symphony orchestras.
It is a wonderful achievement for school-aged musicians to be selected in this elite ensemble comprising players up to 25 years of age. Both Remi and Ashleigh are active members of the BGGS Instrumental Music Program, participating in the School’s Symphony Orchestra as well as chamber ensembles and other musical groups within the School. Congratulations girls!
Australian Honours Ensemble Program
Thank you to those girls who have expressed interest in being nominated for participation in the Australian Honours Ensemble Program. The Instrumental Music team are reviewing the nominations and will forward the School’s suggested representatives to the Queensland Conservatorium for consideration.
Nominations for the State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) are due by Wednesday 3 March. Students wishing to be considered are to email Administrative Assistant—Music, Mrs Elizabeth Worth, indicating their instrument and AMEB level or voice and type e.g. Voice/Soprano. The program is for students in Years 6 to 9 of AMEB, or level 2 to 5 of choral experience if nominating on voice. Further information about SHEP is available online.
Mrs Emma Dron
Director of Instrumental Music
Intermediate String Workshop
On the weekend BGGS Intermediate String ensembles participated in an exciting workshop experience that culminated in an informal performance for parents and friends. Bartok, Albinoni and Vivaldi strings should be extremely proud of their efforts. They engaged with the learning, supported each other, and performed to the best of their ability.
A special focus of the day was internal pulse and beat. Our guest teacher, Mr Jonathan Ng, facilitated activities to help students strengthen and stabilise their internal ‘clock’. A stable and unified sense of pulse is crucial for ensemble playing. Students were challenged by the activities, but the relevance to their performance repertoire provided motivation and they showed incredible improvement.
Ensemble bonding activities helped to cement the team identity and prepare girls for a great year of music making.
Mr Michael Patterson
Strings Coordinator